Ch. 8A

  1. 1. Elena and Jorge went to an amusement park
  2. 5. I saw the play and I liked it (no yo)
  3. 7. I went to the city (no yo)
  4. 9. country
  5. 11. Did you go to the lake yesterday? (no question marks)
  6. 14. I went to Barcelona by plane (include the I)
  7. 15. it was tremendous
  8. 19. what did you do? (no question marks)
  9. 20. we saw a lot of monkeys and birds (use we)
  10. 21. Mario went to the museum
  11. 22. you left at two and returned at eight (don't use tĂș)
  1. 2. we went on vacation (don't use we)
  2. 3. you bought a lot of souvenirs (include the you)
  3. 4. they saw their cousins (include they - is cousins a direct object?)
  4. 6. tell me
  5. 8. Elena saw a lot of trees
  6. 9. they learned to ride a horse (include they)
  7. 10. I bought a ticket to Puerto Rico (include the I)
  8. 12. how did it go for you? (no question marks)
  9. 13. I left early (no I)
  10. 16. I visited my grandparents (don't use yo, is grandparents a direct object?)
  11. 17. what happened to you? (no question marks)
  12. 18. it was a disaster