Ch.16 Respiratory System

  1. 2. bronchi infection
  2. 3. measure respiratory capacity
  3. 6. Genetic disorder of exocrine glands
  4. 7. Asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema (group of respiratory disorders)
  5. 9. Breathing regular rhythm (may be deep, shallow, dry, wet)
  6. 10. persisting over a long period of time
  7. 12. Collects particles,
  8. 13. exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide through diffusiom
  9. 14. trachea branches into 2 tubes into lungs
  10. 15. lung inflammation (buildup of moisture impair breathing)
  11. 16. normal air exchanged
  12. 20. small sacs that exchange O2 w/ capillaries
  13. 23. amount of air brought in lungs
  14. 24. additional exhaled air amount
  15. 26. difficulty swallowing
  16. 27. Excessively fast respiration
  17. 28. exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide between atmosphere and cells of body
  18. 29. Alveoli lose elasticity from swelling (air trap)- becomes dilated & no exchange gas
  19. 30. abnormally slow rate of breathing
  20. 32. tiny hairs in lungs; Hairlike projections from surface of cell
  21. 33. Warms Air
  1. 1. tonsils, Cut down infection
  2. 4. Thoracic space between 2 lungs
  3. 5. large flat muscle under lungs, contracts and moves downward to inhale
  4. 8. difficult or labored breathing
  5. 11. additional inhaled air amount
  6. 17. tidal volume, inspiratory reserve, expiratory reserve
  7. 18. measure how much oxygen & carbon dioxide in bloods
  8. 19. rigid cartilage
  9. 20. narrow bronchi; restrict air (allergen, cold, exercise, emotion)
  10. 21. Cilia, hairs to filter, warm & moistens air
  11. 22. no respiration/breathing
  12. 25. easy or normal breathing
  13. 30. smaller branches
  14. 31. Thick mucus catch dust from air; secreted by tissues in respiratory passages and usually discharged through mouth