
  1. 2. /Ignored Chinese emperor's request and continued to import opium.
  2. 6. /Function as zones of rapid economic growth by using tax and buisness to attract foreign investment and technology.
  3. 8. /An open clash between the British and the Chinese.
  4. 9. /An area in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investment.
  1. 1. /"Great Peace" Rebellion
  2. 3. /Foreigners were not subject to Chinese law at Guangzhou and four other Chinese ports.
  3. 4. /Gave Britain the island of Hong Kong
  4. 5. /Proposed that China's "doors" be open to merchants of all nations.
  5. 7. /Campaign against the Dowager Empress's rule and foreigner privilege.
  6. 10. /City on the southern coast of China at the Pearl River Estuary and the South China Sea.