Ch5 Populations

  1. 2. A condition or resource that restricts population growth (e.g., food, water, or space).
  2. 8. The movement of individuals out of a population to another location.
  3. 12. The maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustainably support.
  4. 13. A pattern of population increase where the size of the population grows at an accelerating rate.
  5. 14. A factor that affects population size regardless of its density (e.g., natural disasters, weather).
  1. 1. The shift in a population from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates, typically as a country develops.
  2. 3. How individuals are spread out in a given area (e.g., clumped, uniform, or random).
  3. 4. A factor that affects population size more as population density increases (e.g., disease, competition).
  4. 5. A group of individuals of the same species living in a specific area.
  5. 6. The distribution of individuals of different ages within a population.
  6. 7. The statistical study of populations, including their size, structure, and growth.
  7. 9. The movement of individuals into a population from another location.
  8. 10. A population growth pattern that starts rapidly and then slows as the population reaches the carrying capacity.
  9. 11. The number of individuals of a population per unit of area or volume.