  1. 4. court case in 1987 that ruled defendants must uphold their end of a plea bargain
  2. 5. process of reading charges and rights in court after arrest; defendant enters plea
  3. 6. type of evidence; physical evidence that was found at the crime scene such as guns, fingerprints, and weapons
  4. 9. first step in the criminal trial process
  5. 10. court case in 1970 that ruled juries less than 12 people are constitutional and can have as few as 6 people
  1. 1. type of evidence that includes eye witness accounts who saw something happen and can report on exactly what they saw happen
  2. 2. written order issued by a police to the offender to appear in court to answer a criminal charge
  3. 3. court case in 1978 that ruled the prosecutor can say that they are offering the defendant a lesser sentence than what they will get in trial
  4. 7. fifth step in the criminal trial process
  5. 8. last step in the criminal trial process