  1. 1. The citizens of small states had proportionally___political power than the citizens of large states.
  2. 4. The national government had no way of implementing or___its legislative decisions
  3. 6. It was difficult to get enough___to make laws and nearly impossible to fix the Articles themselves
  4. 8. The national government could not___an army, only request that the states send soldiers
  5. 9. The national government could not___international or interstate trade
  6. 12. Each state only had___vote in Congress, regardless of its population
  7. 13. The national government had no___branch
  8. 14. The states rarely contributed money, meaning the national government could not pay its___or fund initiatives
  1. 2. States could___to send soldiers, making it difficult to defend the nation
  2. 3. ___laws required the approval of nine states, and amending the Articles required the approval of all thirteen states
  3. 5. The national government had___executive branch
  4. 7. The national government could not stop states from undermining it by making their own___agreements with foreign nations
  5. 10. There was no___way to resolve disputes between states, such as competing claims to the same territory
  6. 11. The national government could not___citizens directly, only request money from the states.