Chao Theory

  1. 3. - Some chaotic systems exhibit this paradox.
  2. 5. - Chaotic fluid motion.
  3. 8. - Fractals exhibit this property.
  4. 9. - A characteristic of chaotic systems.
  5. 16. - Chaotic systems may exhibit this quality.
  6. 19. - A process where the output affects the input.
  7. 20. - Chaotic systems may exhibit irregular and unpredictable ones.
  8. 21. - Chaotic systems can align over time.
  9. 23. - A complex attractor in a chaotic system.
  10. 25. - Repeated application of a process.
  11. 27. - A system may have multiple stable states.
  12. 28. - Outcomes are hard to forecast in chaotic systems.
  13. 30. - Chaotic systems are highly sensitive to initial conditions.
  1. 1. - A type of bifurcation in chaotic systems.
  2. 2. - Events in chaotic systems often lack this.
  3. 4. - A small change can have large, unpredictable consequences.
  4. 6. - Managing chaotic systems is a challenge in this theory.
  5. 7. - A mathematical model used in chaos theory.
  6. 10. - Systems can spontaneously form order.
  7. 11. - A stable state in a chaotic system.
  8. 12. - Sudden and drastic change in a system's behavior.
  9. 13. - The focus of study in chaos theory.
  10. 14. - The tendency of chaotic systems to converge.
  11. 15. - A complex geometric shape that exhibits self-similarity.
  12. 17. - Chaotic systems often involve complex, non-linear equations.
  13. 18. - Some chaos can contain regular patterns.
  14. 22. - A multidimensional space used to describe a system's behavior.
  15. 24. - The study of intricate, interconnected systems.
  16. 26. - A point at which a system divides into multiple outcomes.
  17. 29. - The central concept of this theory.