Chap 14 urinary system disorders

  1. 2. an abnormally low urinary output between 100 and 400 ml/day
  2. 4. occurs when we are unable to voluntarily control the external sphincter
  3. 6. protein in the blood, caused by physical exertion,pregnancy
  4. 8. low urinary output less than 100 ml/day
  5. 10. occurring primarily in older men is an enlargement of the prostate gland
  6. 13. an inflammation of the urethra
  7. 16. excretes large volumes of urine
  8. 17. insipidus can lead to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
  9. 18. the need to get up during the night to urinate, plagues almost 2/3 of this population
  10. 19. feeling that it is necessary to void
  11. 21. kidney inflammation
  1. 1. the kidneys may drop to a lower position
  2. 3. glomerular filters become clogged with antigen-antibody complexes resulting from the strep infection
  3. 5. is a degenerative condition that appears to run in family
  4. 7. urine can no longer pass through the ureters backs up and exerts pressure on the kidneys tissue
  5. 9. a condition found in male babies only
  6. 11. calculi kidney stones
  7. 12. painful urination
  8. 14. retention the bladder is unable to expel its contained urine
  9. 15. bladder inflammation
  10. 20. glucose in the urine, sign of diabetes mellitus