Chapter 1 : Agile and Digital Thinking

  1. 4. achievement of goals
  2. 6. strong desire
  3. 8. ongoing without interruption
  4. 10. information about reactions
  5. 11. involving electronic technology
  6. 14. established set of attitudes
  7. 17. base of operations
  8. 19. understanding gained
  9. 20. exchanging information
  10. 21. finding solutions
  11. 22. ability to use digital technology
  12. 24. plan of action
  13. 26. rapid and flexible methodology
  14. 27. problem-solving using technology
  15. 28. introduction of new ideas
  16. 29. actively hearing others
  1. 1. involvement or participation
  2. 2. optimistic and confident
  3. 3. maintaining control
  4. 5. in-depth analysis of a situation
  5. 7. results of a process
  6. 9. acquisition of knowledge
  7. 10. lack of success
  8. 12. combination of agile characteristics
  9. 13. practical approach
  10. 15. thorough or dramatic change
  11. 16. working together
  12. 18. ability to change
  13. 23. way of thinking or feeling
  14. 25. group working together