Chapter 1 Crossword

  1. 2. Explains why something happens in nature.
  2. 8. The fourth step of the scientific method is to ______ the hypothesis with an experiment.
  3. 10. Any piece of information gathered from an experiment.
  4. 11. A _____ graph compares numbers to words.
  5. 12. An experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time.
  6. 14. A series of steps followed in order to solve a problem.
  7. 15. Describes what happens in nature.
  8. 17. A guess about an observation. Is subjective (opinion based).
  9. 19. Data in the form of numbers.
  10. 20. The third step of the scientific method is to form a ______. This is a possible answer to the question.
  11. 22. Any factor that can change in an experiment.
  12. 25. Factor that stays the same in an experiment.
  13. 26. The variable/change that is measured and recorded at the end of the experiment.
  14. 27. The fifth step of the scientific method is to _____ the data.
  15. 28. The scientific study of nonliving matter in the world/universe and how it works.
  1. 1. The study of matter and energy, and how objects move in the universe.
  2. 3. The second step of the scientific method is to do _________.
  3. 4. Study of elements, atoms, and how substances react with each other.
  4. 5. Data in the form of descriptive words.
  5. 6. The process of collecting information by using the 5 senses. Is objective (fact, not opinion).
  6. 7. The curve at a liquid's surface by which one measures the volume of the liquid.
  7. 9. The study of Earth and its atmosphere.
  8. 13. A ____ chart compares the parts or percentages of a whole.
  9. 16. The first step of the scientific method is to ask a ________.
  10. 18. A variable that a scientist manipulates, or changes, during the experiment.
  11. 21. Graph that compares a number to a number. Data points are not connected.
  12. 23. The study of planets and outer space.
  13. 24. A ______ graph compares numbers to numbers. The data points are connected.
  14. 25. The sixth step of the scientific method is to draw ________.