Chapter 1 Key Terms

  1. 3. Campaign created to provide radiologic technologists a full understanding of the sage operation of fluoroscopic devices on pediatric patients
  2. 7. SI unit of radiation exposure
  3. 9. Living tissue of animals and humans can be damaged by exposure to ionizing radiation
  4. 10. When a patient dose is predicted to or has actually substantially exceeded normal dose levels
  5. 13. This term is synonymous with the term ALARA
  6. 14. Radiation that produces positively and negatively charged particles when passing through matter
  7. 18. A subunit of the gray in the SI
  8. 19. The SI unit of measure for the radiation quantities, equivalent dose and effective dose
  9. 20. Energy that passes from one location to another
  10. 21. A subunit of the roentgen, a nonmetric unit likewise used for measuring the ionizing capability of radiation
  11. 22. The total electric charge of one sign per unit mass that x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies up to 3 million electron volts generate in dry air at standard temperature and pressure
  1. 1. The campaign includes dissemination of information on pediatric CT dose reduction among the various medical specialties that refer patients for CT examinations or even operate their own CT scanners
  2. 2. The campaigns objective is lowering the amount of radiation used in medically necessary imaging studies and eliminating unnecessary procedures
  3. 4. A partnership of medical societies whose overall common purpose is to reduce dose for pediatric patients
  4. 5. Method to compare the amount of radiation received from a radiologic procedure with natural background radiation received over a specific period
  5. 6. Effective measures employed by radiation workers to safeguard patients, personnel, and the general public from unnecessary exposure to ionizing radiation
  6. 8. The probability of injury, ailment, or death resulting from an activity
  7. 10. The amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object
  8. 11. The degree to which a diagnostic study accurately reveals the presence or absence of disease in the patient
  9. 12. Precept holding that occupational exposure should be kept "as low as reasonably achievable"
  10. 15. SI unit of absorbed dose and air kerma
  11. 16. A subunit of the sievert
  12. 17. Quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to humans from ionizing radiation