Chapter 1 Vocab

  1. 1. (International System of Units) a modern system of standardized metric units
  2. 5. the basis upon which a model is assessed, taking into account how well it explains or describes a set of observations and how well the model makes predictions
  3. 9. direction from God for us to fill the earth and have dominion over it
  4. 10. the study of matter and energy and the interactions between them
  5. 11. the systematic study of the universe to produce observations, inferences, and models
  6. 13. the study of nonliving matter and energy
  7. 15. compares a measurement to the accepted or expected value of a measurement
  1. 1. an ongoing, orderly, cyclical approach used to investigate the world
  2. 2. a model that explains a related set of phenomena
  3. 3. the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter as well as changes in matter
  4. 4. an intial, testable explanation of a phenomenon that stimulates and guides the scientific investigation
  5. 6. quantitative data(data based on numbers or quantities
  6. 7. a workable explanation or description of a phenomenon
  7. 8. the degree of exactness of the measurements
  8. 12. a system of moral values or a theory of proper conduct
  9. 14. a model, often expressed as a mathematical equation that describes phenomena under certain conditions