Chapter 1 vocab

  1. 2. COMPUTER a computer system for hundreds of users
  2. 3. fast powerful and expensive aka Goliath
  3. 9. smart watches, headphones
  4. 10. sound
  5. 14. phone or computer
  6. 15. the proccessing of information
  7. 19. make and receive calls
  8. 21. 4 functions
  9. 22. a device for communication
  10. 23. tablets, phones, etc
  11. 25. letters and numbers
  12. 29. programs/ instructions for computers (system/ application)
  13. 31. sends info somewhere
  14. 32. a computer and all of its bells and whistles
  1. 1. motion pictures
  2. 3. where you store stuff
  3. 4. accommodates lots of people
  4. 5. single user computer with high performance
  5. 6. pictures and graphs
  6. 7. any device that is able to do complex task
  7. 8. produces a physical item/ tangible
  8. 11. holds data and stuff
  9. 12. one person at a time
  10. 13. data is entered, processed, and stored
  11. 16. mouse, keyboard, etc.
  12. 17. physical components of a computer
  13. 18. lager smartphone with more compatibility
  14. 20. processed data
  15. 24. raw and unorganized
  16. 26. powerful computer for different computers to work off of.
  17. 27. electronic chips for temporary storage
  18. 28. electrical components create information
  19. 30. produces a non physical item/ non tangible