Chapter 1 Vocabulary: Force, Motion, and Energy

  1. 5. The rod that passes through a wheel at its center and helps steer it.
  2. 6. A force created when two substances rub against each other (and produces heat).
  3. 7. A simple machine used to push things apart, wide at one end and pointed at the other to help cut or split objects.
  4. 9. Forces between objects can cause a _______ in motion.
  5. 11. A force that pulls objects toward Earth.
  6. 12. A machine with only one or no moving parts. There are six kinds.
  7. 13. A push or a pull applied to an object, which will move the object if strong enough.
  8. 14. A simple machine used to move or turn things.
  1. 1. A simple machine used to help lift heavy weights and other objects.
  2. 2. A simple machine used to move objects to a higher or lower place, such as a ramp.
  3. 3. A simple machine that uses a rope and a wheel with a grooved rim to lift and lower items.
  4. 4. Different forces ___ act on an object at the same time.
  5. 8. A scientist who invents and builds things to make life easier.
  6. 9. A machine created by combining two or more simple machines.
  7. 10. A spot on which a lever turns or pivots. The stiff bar of a lever rests on this.
  8. 12. A simple machine used to hold things together, usually in the shape of a cylinder or cone.