Chapter 10 Key Terms

  1. 2. Concerns the upper boundary dose of ionizing radiation that results in a negligible risk of bodily injury or hereditary damage
  2. 6. Effect that is a beneficial consequence of radiation for populations continuously exposed to moderately higher levels of radiation than ordinary background
  3. 9. An individual such as a medical physicist, health physicist, radiologist, or other individual qualified through adequate training and experience in the safe usage of radiation
  4. 11. Mutational or randomly occurring biologic changes, independent of dose, in which the chance of occurrence of the effect rather than the severity of the effect is proportional to the dose of ionizing radiation
  5. 14. Precept holding that occupational exposure of the patient, occupationally exposed persons, and the general public should be kept "as low as reasonably achievalbe."
  6. 15. A radiation workers lifetime EfD must be limited to their age in years times 10 mSv. This limit pertains to the whole body
  7. 17. Limits for occupational exposure that are set by the medical facility well below the regulatory values as they appear in state or federal regulations
  8. 18. The current method for assessing radiation exposure and associated risk of biologic damage to radiation workers and the general public
  1. 1. Late complications arising after radiotherapy, increasing in frequency among survivors of both pediatric and adult cancers
  2. 3. A value that denotes the percentage of the summed stochastic risk stemming from irradiation of specific tissues to the all-inclusive risk when the entire body is irradiated in a uniform fashion
  3. 4. Radiation protection standards organization considered to be the international authority on the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation
  4. 5. An upper boundary limit for radiation workers for yearly whole-body exposure of 50 millisieverts
  5. 7. Group that assists in the development of the radiation safety program in a healthcare facility, provides guidance for the program, and facilities its ongoing operation
  6. 8. Quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to humans from ionizing radiation
  7. 10. Dose in millisieverts that does not exceed in 10 times the occupationally exposed person's age in years, or for the dose in rem, the age of the person Negligibleindividualdose An annual effective dose that provides a low exposure cutoff level such that regulatory agencies may consider the associated level of individual risk negligible
  8. 12. Any radiation effects on organ or organ systems that increase with increasing dose, and below a certain dose level, the effect rarely or never occurs
  9. 13. A federal agency that has the authority to control the possession, use, and production of atomic energy in the interest of national security
  10. 14. Individual states of the United States that have entered into an agreement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to assume responsibility for enforcing radiation protection regulations through their respective health departments
  11. 16. A radiation quantity used for radiation protection purposes when a person receives exposure from various types of ionizing radiation