Chapter 10 Sodbusters

  1. 6. producing a variety of crops
  2. 7. to change or alter how something works
  3. 9. a house made out of pairie sod
  4. 11. This farming practice occurs when farmers only grow enough food for their family.
  5. 12. He was known as the Empire Builder.
  6. 14. True or False, Homesteading was easy work
  7. 15. The place where people buy and sell goods and services.
  8. 17. many old railroad beds were repurposed for bicycle trails
  1. 1. I would join this club or association to learn about new and improved farming methods
  2. 2. This was the first crop to greatly affected Minnesota's economy.
  3. 3. this form of transportation greatly helped with the transportation of people, supplies and crops.
  4. 4. Minnesota has this many counties
  5. 5. the terrible pest that destroyed millions of acres of farm land during a three year period oin the 1870s
  6. 8. This 1862 law provided settlers with 160 free acres of land if they take care of it for 5 years.
  7. 10. He started the first Grange in Minnesota.
  8. 13. This is someone who hopes to make money selling land.
  9. 16. This is the process that involves turning over the soil and making it suitable for farming