Chapter 11: Canada's Legal System

  1. 5. our correction system is based on this principle
  2. 7. In Quebec, civil law is based on this French document
  3. 10. deals with the relationship between individuals or groups
  4. 12. highest court for all legal issues in Canada
  5. 13. lawyers representing the crown
  6. 14. in civil law, the person that claims to have been harmed
  7. 15. describes the rights privilege, and powers we enjoy as citizens
  8. 18. where an individual is convicted to a crime and a judge may sentence the offender
  9. 19. in criminal cases, it states that there is not enough evidence for the detention of an individual
  10. 20. tries to repair the damage that has been done
  1. 1. part of the Constitution that describes everyone's rights and freedoms
  2. 2. deals with matters that affect the society as the whole
  3. 3. most criminal laws are contained in it; it was passed by the Parliament in 1982
  4. 4. the right to early release from jail due to good behavior
  5. 6. was based on the decisions of judges in the British Royal Courts; is based on precedent
  6. 8. we are governed by a fixed set of laws that apply to all people equally
  7. 9. civil servants who have limited power to handle matters regarding traffic and municipal by-laws
  8. 11. in 2023, the criminal cases are named R. v. Last name. The R. stands for
  9. 16. is set out in acts of Parliament
  10. 17. a set period of time in which the offender must follow conditions determined by the court