Chapter 11 Crossword

  1. 3. The transformation of a liquid to a solid.
  2. 6. The transformation of a gas to a liquid.
  3. 9. A common unit of concentration equal to the number of moles of a solute per liter solution.
  4. 10. Matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape, assuming the shape of its container.
  1. 1. In the context of chemistry, the transformation of a gas to a solid.
  2. 2. The study of matter and the transformation it can undergo.
  3. 4. The transformation of a solid to a liquid.
  4. 5. The fundamental compound unit of a chemical compound, which is a group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.
  5. 7. Evaporation in which bubbles from beneath the liquid surface.
  6. 8. Matter that has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape, always filling any space available to it.