Chapter 12 - Legal Defenses

  1. 2. Someone does something due to immediate danger
  2. 4. evidence used to prove a criminal was somewhere else when the crime happened
  3. 6. unaware before, during or after doing an illegal action
  4. 9. When its proven no crime was committed or intent for harm existed
  5. 10. An accusation made by a victim or government
  6. 12. someone claims to have been persuaded by police
  1. 1. Someone uses self defense as an excuse for their misbehavior
  2. 3. the victim of a crime who sues someone else
  3. 5. Compelled to react to an unavoidable situation
  4. 7. The process of taking legal action against someone
  5. 8. a defense proving someone lacks responsibility due to their young age
  6. 11. the one who is suspected of criminal activity