Chapter 12 - Respiratory System

  1. 1. tip or uppermost portion of the lung
  2. 3. inner layer of pleura lying closer to the lung tissue
  3. 6. voice box
  4. 9. lid-like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx, preventing food from entering the larynx and trachea during swallowing
  5. 10. lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx
  6. 11. acute infection of the throat and upper respiratory tract
  7. 16. combining form meaning diaphragm
  8. 17. combining form meaning complete
  9. 19. material expelled from the bronchi, lungs or upper respiratory tract by spitting
  10. 21. breathing out, expiration
  11. 25. continuous high-pitched whistling sounds produced during breathing
  12. 27. gas that makes up 21% of the air that we breathe
  13. 30. combining form meaning nose
  14. 31. abnormal lung condition caused by exposure to certain dusts
  15. 33. division of a lung
  16. 34. combining form meaning straight
  17. 35. combining form meaning voice
  18. 36. chronic dilation of a bronchus, usually secondary to infection
  19. 38. abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space
  20. 39. openings through the nose carrying air into the nasal cavities
  21. 40. smallest branches of the bronchi
  22. 43. muscle separating the chest and abdomen
  23. 44. collapsed lung
  24. 47. acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction
  25. 48. exchange of gases at the lung capillaries and at the tissue capillaries
  26. 50. lower portion of the lung
  27. 51. loud rumbling sound heard on auscultation of bronchi obstructed by sputum
  28. 53. air sac in the lung
  29. 54. chronic inflammatory disorder with airway obstruction due to bronchial and bronchiolar edema and constriction
  30. 56. combining form meaning lung
  31. 57. combining form meaning chest
  32. 58. nosebleed
  1. 2. one of a pair of almond-shaped masses of lymphatic tissue in the oropharynx
  2. 4. thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane epithelium lining the respiratory tract
  3. 5. collection of air in the pleural space
  4. 7. region between the lungs in the chest cavity
  5. 8. gas produced by body cells when oxygen and carbon atoms from food combine
  6. 12. breathing in, inspiration
  7. 13. acute viral infection of infants and children with obstruction of the larynx, accompanied by a barking cough
  8. 14. branch of the trachea that is a passageway into the lung
  9. 15. inflammation of the pleura
  10. 18. combining form meaning carbon dioxide
  11. 20. combining form meaning air, lung
  12. 22. combining form meaning dust
  13. 23. fluid, cells and other substances that filter from cells or capillaries ooze into lesions or areas of inflammation
  14. 24. rare malignant tumor arising in the pleura
  15. 26. double-layered membrane surrounding each lung
  16. 28. pertaining to a sudden occurrence, such as a spasm or seizure
  17. 29. containing pus
  18. 31. whooping cough
  19. 32. throat
  20. 37. combining form meaning breathing
  21. 41. fine crackling sounds heard on auscultation when there is fluid in the alveoli
  22. 42. midline region where the bronchi, blood vessels and nerves enter and exit the lungs
  23. 45. windpipe
  24. 46. strained, high pitched sound heard on inspiration caused by obstruction in the pharynx or larynx
  25. 47. tapping on a surface to determine the difference in the density of the underlying structure
  26. 49. hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar walls
  27. 52. collection of fluid or other material within the lung, as seen on chest film
  28. 55. slit-like opening to the larynx