Chapter 12 Review

  1. 2. This American president best displayed the feelings of Manifest Destiny (last name only)
  2. 4. VOCAB a person who searches in the earth for valuable resources, such as gems or precious metals
  3. 7. The large territory the US acquired following the Mexican-American War is called the _________ (2)
  4. 10. President Polk instigated a _____ with Mexico when he sent troops into the disputed area after Mexico refused the United States’ offer to buy the land.
  5. 12. Many believers of Manifest Destiny wanted the United States to expand all the way to the ________ Ocean
  6. 16. Mexico offered very cheap land in _____ in exchange for assimilating to Mexican culture and becoming citizens of Mexico
  7. 17. Brigham Young led his followers to Utah on the _______ trail in search of religious freedom
  8. 19. Many pioneers fulfilled their manifest destiny by traveling along the _____ all the way to the Pacific Ocean (2)
  9. 23. On the Oregon Trail, most meetings between pioneers and _______ were friendly (2)
  10. 25. California became culturally _______ thanks to the Gold Rush (starts with a D)
  11. 26. President Polk insisted that this river was the true border between the US and Mexico (2)
  12. 27. One challenge for the pioneers heading west on the trails was that it was a very long trip that took many _______ to complete (starts with an M)
  13. 29. In the ______ Purchase, the US acquired a strip of land in modern-day Arizona and New Mexico to build a transcontinental railroad.
  14. 31. The exploration done by the _____ greatly expanded America’s understanding of the West. (2)
  15. 32. VOCAB the idea that the United States had the right and the obligation to expand its territory across North America to the Pacific Ocean (2)
  1. 1. California’s ______ grew very quickly thanks to the Gold Rush (starts with a P)
  2. 3. One challenge for the pioneers heading west on the trails was that they had to cross mountains and rivers in their ______ (starts with a W)
  3. 5. The economic depression caused by the _____ of 1837 caused many troubled Americans to move to the West
  4. 6. The Bear Flag Revolt helped the US take control of this future state
  5. 8. The _________ was one proposal for solving the issue of slavery in the lands acquired from Mexico following the war. (2)
  6. 9. VOCAB a person sent to another nation to represent his or her country’s interests
  7. 11. About 180 Texans barricaded themselves inside the _____ during a 13-day siege by the Mexicans
  8. 13. VOCAB to add
  9. 14. California earned its _____ quickly thanks to the Gold Rush (starts with an S)
  10. 15. VOCAB a tactic in which a military force surrounds a city in an attempt to take control of it
  11. 18. The Treaty of __________ formally ended the Mexican-American War. (2)
  12. 20. Texas eventually won their ______ from Mexico and became the Republic of Texas for almost 10 years
  13. 21. Americans trading with Mexicans after traveling the _______ Trail helped Americans understand the value of northern Mexico and added to their feelings of manifest destiny. (2)
  14. 22. The United States and British Canada extended the border at 49-degrees North latitude to split ownership of the _______ Territory
  15. 24. One challenge for the pioneers heading west on the trails was that they often worried about running out of _____, water, and supplies (starts with an F)
  16. 28. This president and dictator of Mexican led the attack against the rebels in Texas (2)
  17. 29. In 1848, people from all over the world went to California looking for ______
  18. 30. One challenge for the pioneers heading west on the trails was that they would often catch a _______ like dysentery or cholera.