Chapter 12 Vocabulary

  1. 1. A food guidance system with a set of online tools to help people plan nutritious meals to fit their individual needs.
  2. 4. A protein found in wheat and other grains that can cause health problems. Some children have sensitivities or intolerances to the protein.
  3. 6. The offending substance that causes an allergy.
  4. 7. A hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. People with diabetes cannot produce this.
  5. 8. A condition in which the body cannot properly control the level of sugar in blood. People with this condition cannot produce insulin.
  6. 11. The intake of more food than is needed by the body to function properly.
  7. 12. The fear of something new when encountering unfamiliar foods for the first time.
  1. 1. A lack of proper nutrition from one's diet.
  2. 2. The most severe allergic reaction that can potentially be fatal.
  3. 3. The body's negative reaction to a particular substance.
  4. 5. This means not eating enough food to keep a healthful body weight and activity level.
  5. 9. The science of food and how the body uses the foods taken in.
  6. 10. The chemical substances in food that help build and maintain the body.