Chapter 12: World War 2

  1. 2. a type of jellied gasoline
  2. 5. the outer boundary of something
  3. 7. restricting the amount of an item an individual can have due to a limited supply
  4. 8. a government contract to pay a manufacturer the cost to produce an item plus a guaranteed percentage
  5. 11. an enclosure made of dirt walls covered in shrubbery built to fence in cattle and crops
  6. 12. Gardens garden planted by citizens during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more for the troops
  1. 1. during World War 2, a Japanese suicide pilot whose mission was to crash into his target
  2. 3. an amphibious tractor used to move troops from ships to shore
  3. 4. to deprive of the right to vote
  4. 6. Suit men's clothing of extreme cut typically consisting of a thigh-length jacket with wide padded shoulders and baggy, pleated pants, with narrow cuffs
  5. 9. a new industrial region in Southern California and Deep South that developed during World War 2
  6. 10. System a system in which merchant ships travel with naval vessels for protection