Chapter 13 - Food Resources

  1. 3. Meat / meat from animals in West and Central Africa
  2. 4. Grains / the extent to which a system is broken down into small parts
  3. 5. / the rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food
  4. 6. Cultivation / a certain method of farming
  5. 9. Crop / genetically modified crops
  6. 11. Food / food that is eaten routinely in quantities that are dominant
  7. 12. / farmers farming for their own family or their local community
  8. 14. subsidy / a payment from the Gov. that keeps the price of energy lower
  1. 1. / sowing crops on good soils to eat directly or to feed animals
  2. 2. / a fuel composed of or produced from biological raw materials
  3. 3. / unwanted marine creatures that are caught in the nets while fishing for another species
  4. 5. / the science of farming
  5. 7. of the Commons / a dilemma arising from the situation n which multiple individuals act independently by consulting their own self interest
  6. 8. / raising animals usually on grass or on land not suitable for crops
  7. 10. / denoting a form of treatment by means of very large doses
  8. 13. / of or relating to the cultivation of vast areas of land with a minimum of labor or expense
  9. 15. Equivalents / the equivalent tonnage of grains necessary to get the given amount of cereal derived products