Chapter 13 Vocabulary

  1. 1. an Office feature for copying formatting options
  2. 4. how text is positioned between margins
  3. 7. the user forces a page break
  4. 9. page layout with long edge of page at the top
  5. 11. temporary storage space in all Office applications
  6. 13. page layout with content formatted with sort edge at the top
  7. 16. units of measure for fonts
  8. 17. the first line of a paragraph is indented
  9. 19. to change the appearance of the document
  1. 1. the design of text
  2. 2. a paragraph mark created by pressing the enter key
  3. 3. modify or make revisions
  4. 5. blank space around edges of page
  5. 6. dragging selected text to a new area
  6. 8. press and release mouse button on an object
  7. 10. space between margin and text begins
  8. 12. first line begins at left margin and other below are indented
  9. 14. new text will replace existing text
  10. 15. existing text moves for new text being entered
  11. 18. automatic page break