Chapter 13/14 7th grade

  1. 8. this system creates and protects new life
  2. 10. bone blood fat and lymph are part of
  3. 12. this system exchanges oxygen for carbon dioxide in the blood stream
  4. 13. this system protects the internal organs
  5. 14. this system supplies the body with energy
  6. 15. this system secretes chemicals that regulate body functions.
  1. 1. these are attached to bones and form part of the walls of internal organs and blood vessels
  2. 2. this system is part of the immune system
  3. 3. this system provides movement by pulling on the bones
  4. 4. this system provides protection includes the skin
  5. 5. brain spinal cord and nerves are all part of
  6. 6. this system maintains the right amount of water
  7. 7. skin and linings of your internal organs are made of
  8. 9. this system transport oxygen throughout the body
  9. 11. this system controls and processes info from other organs such as the eyes and ears