chapter 14-Dylan

  1. 4. who gathered taught universes.
  2. 8. selling of church positions
  3. 9. revolution expansion of trade change in business practices
  4. 11. Effort by christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain.
  5. 12. of representatives that makes laws for nation.
  6. 16. Co pet founder of dynasty ruled France from 987 to 1328.
  7. 17. 2-Pope who called for 1st crusade.
  8. 19. 2 English king who added French lands to English holdings by marrying Elanor of Aquitaine.
  9. 20. Muslim leader of 1100's.
  1. 1. 2 one of the most powerful Capetian kings.
  2. 2. language.
  3. 3. plague deadly disease spread across Asia Europe in 14th century.
  4. 5. A holy war.
  5. 6. field system Farmland dived into 3 equal sized fields.
  6. 7. law body of rulings by English judges.
  7. 10. year war war between England and France from 1337 to 1453.
  8. 13. the lion English king who fought Saladin in 3rd crusade.
  9. 14. class person who lived in a town.
  10. 15. of arc English peasant who led french army to victory at Orleans.
  11. 18. general council of representatives advise the French king.