Chapter 15 civics vocab

  1. 2. Pleas guilty for a less serious crime
  2. 3. A small crime someone can be charged a small fine or a little jail time
  3. 7. A youth who has committed a offense punishable by criminal process
  4. 9. A child or teenager who commits a serious crime or breaks the law repeatedly
  5. 10. The party who starts the legal proceedings against
  6. 16. Juvenile court process that is much like a preliminary hearing in adult criminal law
  7. 18. Correcting someones behavior
  8. 22. The final settlement and sentencing in a juvenile case
  9. 23. The questioning of a witness at a trial or hearing to check or discredit the witness's testimony
  10. 27. The punishment given to someone found guilty of a crime
  11. 28. Act that breaks a law
  12. 29. Law established by judicial decisions instead of by legislative action
  13. 30. Taking charge of someone in an official way
  1. 1. A state's written criminal laws
  2. 4. Following established legal procedures
  3. 5. A notice telling someone to appear in court to answer a complaint or charge
  4. 6. Rules and regulations set by government agencies
  5. 8. The procedure to determine the facts in juvenile court
  6. 11. A more serious crime like murder or rape
  7. 12. A formal notice that a lawsuit has been brought
  8. 13. A legal agreement between two party's
  9. 14. The person who files the lawsuit
  10. 15. Money ordered by a court to be paid for injuries or losses suffered
  11. 17. A youth charged being beyond the control of their guardian
  12. 19. A wrongful act where a party can sue
  13. 20. A process where lawyers can check facts and collect evidence before a trial
  14. 21. Lack of care or attention
  15. 24. A system of law based on precedent and customs
  16. 25. The person being sued
  17. 26. A law written by a legislative branch of government