Chapter 15 Key Terms

  1. 7. A very important method of protection from ionizing radiation
  2. 8. A region that is occupied only by occupationally exposed personnel and others under their direct supervision
  3. 10. A radiation worker's lifetime EfD must be limited to their age in years times 10 mSv. This limit pertains to the whole body
  4. 11. For primary radiation, the use factor represents the portion of beam on time that the x-ray beam is targeted or directed at a particular barrier during the week
  5. 14. Area such as a nearby hallway or corridor that can be frequented by the general public
  6. 16. A method of radiation protection that reflects the fact that the amount of radiation a worker receives is directly proportional to the length of time that the individual is exposed to ionizing radiation
  7. 17. A permanent secured protective barrier for imaging personnel that is located in an x-ray room that contains housing for permanent or nonportable radiographic equipment
  8. 18. A barrier that affords protection from secondary radiation only
  1. 1. A protective device made of at least .25 mm lead equivalent that automatically covers the bucky slot opening in the side of the x-ray table during fluoroscopic examination when the Bucky tray is positioned at the food end of the table
  2. 2. A barrier designed to prevent primary, or direct, radiation from reaching personnel or members of the general public on the other side of the barrier
  3. 3. Expresses the relationship between distance and intensity of radiation
  4. 4. The ratio of air kerma behind a barrier of material thickness "x" to the value of kerma at the same location with no intervening barrier
  5. 5. Radiation generated in the x-ray tube that does not exit from the collimator opening but partially penetrates the protective tube housing and, to some degree, the sides of the collimator
  6. 6. All the deflected radiation that arises from the interaction of an x-ray beam with the atoms of a patient or any other object in the path of the beam
  7. 9. A factor used to modify the shielding requirement for a particular barrier by taking into account the fraction of the work week during which the space beyond the barrier is occupied
  8. 12. Essentially the radiation output weighted time that an x-ray machine is actually delivering radiation during the week
  9. 13. Radiation-absorbent barrier of appropriate thickness used to provide protection from radiation
  10. 15. Well confined radiation that emerges directly from the x-ray tube collimator and moves without deflection toward a wall, door, viewing window, and so on