Chapter 15 Vocabulary

  1. 2. A large airway from the lung to the trachea (windpipe)
  2. 6. Maximum amount of air that can be moved in/out of the respiratory system through a single respiratory cycle
  3. 7. the throat, a chamber shared by the digestive respiratory systems.
  4. 8. The exchange that takes place within the lungs at air-fileld pockets
  5. 10. gives large area for gas exchange,moves air to and from the gas-exchange surfaces of the lungs, protects respiratory surfaces
  6. 11. In each lung, the primary bronchi branch into smaller and smaller airways, forming the bronchial tree.
  7. 13. reduces surface tension
  8. 14. Each of the two lungs that are separated by deep fissures.
  1. 1. Lined by a protective mucous membrane, or respiratory mucosa, making the nose moist by creating mucus
  2. 3. Sets the pace for respiration (3 pairs of nuclei in reticular formation).
  3. 4. windpipe, tough, flexible tube
  4. 5. The pressure contributed by a single gas is the partial pressure of that gas, abbreviated as P.
  5. 9. consists of the squamous alveolar epithelium, endothelial cells, and fused basement membranes
  6. 11. A narrow passage where the diameter of the passageway has narrowed to about 1 mm, cartilages disappear.
  7. 12. The area of the throat used for speaking, breathing, and swallowing that houses the vocal cords.