chapter 16

  1. 2. loudness or softness of the voice
  2. 7. resembles that of a informal conversation
  3. 9. powerful language
  4. 11. same grammar structure
  5. 13. language used by special groups
  6. 15. key words are placed at the end of a sentence
  7. 16. speed of the voice
  8. 17. phrases that lost their novelty
  9. 18. strong verbs
  10. 19. use personal pronouns
  1. 1. how clear a speech is
  2. 3. trite sayings that are worn out
  3. 4. speech pattern may vary but always in the same sequence
  4. 5. vocabulary for specialized field
  5. 6. phrases that weaken your sentence
  6. 8. interruption in the speech flow
  7. 10. evaluating a speech
  8. 12. suitable for the audience
  9. 14. produce different sounds
  10. 20. stress pattern