Chapter 16

  1. 4. phrases that have lost their novelty and part of their meaning through over use
  2. 7. making your speech clear
  3. 8. you talk without any specific preparation
  4. 10. the speed at which you speak
  5. 14. juxtapose contrasting ideas in parallel fashion
  6. 16. speech you read aloud the entire speech word for word
  7. 18. the use of a part of an object to stand for the whole object
  8. 19. the technical vocabulary of a specialized field
  9. 20. language that is used by special groups but is generally considered impolite or not quite proper
  1. 1. use active verbs, strong verbs, figures of speech, and imagery
  2. 2. the use of extreme exaggeration
  3. 3. stylistics devices that have been a part of rhetoric since ancient times
  4. 5. a term or phrase that combines two normally opposite qualities
  5. 6. the substitution of a name for a tittle which its closely associated
  6. 9. you reserve the key word until the end of the sentence
  7. 11. convey ideas in parallel style for ease of comprehension and memory
  8. 12. the relative loudness or softness of your voice
  9. 13. the repetition of the same initial sound
  10. 15. trite sayings that are worn out because of constant usage
  11. 17. phrases that weaken your sentence