Chapter 16 crossword

  1. 2. Tumor of a parathyroid gland.
  2. 5. Normal level of sugar in the blood within normal range.
  3. 7. Aids the body during stress by increasing glucose levels to provide energy.
  4. 9. A condition caused by excessive thyroid hormones.
  5. 11. Help the body to deal with stress by increasing the blood pressure, heartbeat, and respirations.
  6. 13. deficient sodium in
  7. 14. abnormal state of much thirst
  8. 15. Tumor of the adrenal medulla.
  9. 18. Electrolytes that are necessary for normal body function are regulated by this hormone.
  10. 19. Condition caused by congenital absence or atrophy of the thyroid gland.
  11. 20. Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
  12. 21. Results from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.
  1. 1. dips/o
  2. 3. Excessive development of the adrenal cortex.
  3. 4. A condition resulting from a deficiency of thyroxine.
  4. 6. disease of the endocrine
  5. 8. A blood test performed after a patient has fasted for 8-10 hours.
  6. 10. A blood test that measures the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood.
  7. 12. aden/o
  8. 16. Incision of the thyroid gland.
  9. 17. Narrow strip of tissue connecting two larger parts in the body.