Chapter 16: Technologies and Tools: In an Era of Big Data and the "Cloud"

  1. 5. The use of telecommunications technology to remotely diagnose and treat inmates
  2. 6. Which state prison requires all visitors scan their fingerprints before entering?
  3. 8. A process whereby a solid object, including guns and other weapons, can be made from a digital model, as layers of material are laid down in different shapes
  4. 10. If the police are looking for a suspect or wishing to put on a sort of community alert, they can easily send a message to their community followers via ________ _________, blogs, and twitter
  5. 12. The use of a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data
  6. 13. Problems of ________, space and time have always plague the courts
  7. 15. A device worn by both inmates and correctional officers for tracking purposes
  1. 1. First state to initiate a ballistic database allowing investigators to match shell casings with a national database in order to solve crimes
  2. 2. Abbreviation for policy whereby employees can bring their personal mobile devices to work and use them to access privileged agency information
  3. 3. Where incoming documents are scanned and processed
  4. 4. _________ __________ services can also be provided to prisoners via mobile devices
  5. 7. Connecticut launched this policy in schools, allowing easier connection with the police when 911 calls are not feasible
  6. 9. Applying tremendous computing power to massive and often highly complex sets of information
  7. 11. A study of RFID devices by the ____________ corporation underscored the need for staff to be trained in the many uses of these devices
  8. 14. Branch of technology which involves the design, construction, and function of robots
  9. 16. One of the six (6) states selected by the FAA to develop test sites for drones