Chapter 17: China

  1. 1. Ming or Yuan: Dynasty that cut off contact with outsiders of China
  2. 2. True or False: Confucius ideas are only popular in China
  3. 5. True or False: Mongols liked foreigners coming to China
  4. 6. gifts China received from foreign countries to be able to trade with them
  5. 8. following "the way" is important in...
  6. 9. name for traders Chinese thought were attempting to break Chinese laws
  7. 10. seeking enlightenment is important in...
  8. 11. trade did so well during Tang & Song because of man made water routes or
  9. 14. most successful nomads to invade China
  10. 15. Mongol honored but stayed away from traditions of the ...
  11. 17. what Mongols lowered to help merchants with trading
  12. 19. country where Buddhism began
  1. 1. system created with civil service exams making qualified people members of gov.
  2. 3. type of Muslims higher in social status than Chinese in Yuan dynasty
  3. 4. a bureaucracy describes a government split into different...
  4. 7. invention that helps tell direction
  5. 12. continent Zheng He visited looking for tributary states
  6. 13. grassland area Mongols came from
  7. 14. type of economy established during Tang & Song
  8. 15. Hongwu drove out Mongols and made himself absolute ruler of...
  9. 16. Advances in farming during Tang & Song led to production of which crop increasing
  10. 18. Mongols reopened trade on this "Road"