Chapter 18 crossword GG
- 3. a criminal case, in the federal courts, is one in which a defendant is tried for committing some action that congress has declared by law.
- 8. the lowerd federal courts, thoes beneath the supreme court.
- 9. the person whom the complaint is against can have the trial moved, under certain circumstances, to the federal district court.
- 12. alrogether, 179 circiut judeges sit on these appellate courts.
- 14. this writ is an order by the court directing a lower court t osend up the record in a given caes for its review.
- 16. serve the special disciplinary needs of armed forces and are not a part of the federal court system. their judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, court reporters.
- 17. over that case the higher court the appellate court may uphold, overrule, or in some way modify the desicion appealed form the lower court.
- 20. there are two separate court systems in the united states. One with 100 courts other with 50 states.
- 1. the court first asserted its power of judicial review in the classic case of...
- 2. acting under its pwoer to tax, congress created the united states tax court in 1969 as an independent judical body.
- 4. this process is used when a lower court is not clear about the procedure or the rule of law that should apply in a case.
- 5. a court operating as apart of the judicial branch, entirely separate from the militar establishment.
- 6. the district courts have original jurisdiction over most cases that are heard in the federal courts expect theo ones that fall in with the supreme court.
- 7. the person wo files suit may bring the case in proper state or federal court, as he or she chooses.
- 10. the fifty states are divided inot 89 federal judicial districts, and there are also federal distric courts of washington D.C. etc...
- 11. Remember, most courts in this country, both federal and state, may exercise the ciritically important power of judicial review.
- 13. in 2003 president Geroge W Bush ordered the creation of a number of military commission, court like bodies composed of commissioned officers.
- 15. satisfaction of a claim, payment only by an act of congress. IN 1855 however, congress, set up the court of claims to hear such pleas.
- 18. its list of cases to be heard.
- 19. breifs are written documents filed with the court before oral arguments begin.