Chapter 19 Crossword

  1. 2. A bacterial infection transmitted by the common deer tick.
  2. 10. _________ involves lungs, bronchi, and larynx.
  3. 11. A sudden episodic change in behavior or internal psychic state.
  4. 12. A brain disorder characterized by seizures.
  5. 13. Characterized by an inability to appropriately metabolize glucose (CHO).
  1. 1. Known as the common cold or rhinitis.
  2. 3. Red blood cells change shape to a “sickle” shape which causes oxygen delivery deficiency.
  3. 4. Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
  4. 5. Insulin shock
  5. 6. A temporary increase in airway resistance that occurs after strenuous exercise.
  6. 7. An extremely common viral infection among young people in the United States.
  7. 8. Methicillan-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
  8. 9. Diabetic coma