Chapter 19 Lesson 4

  1. 1. republican candidate that won the Presidential Election of 1896 that backed the Gold Standard
  2. 3. system of currency proposed by the Populists
  3. 6. an appeal to the common people
  4. 8. a network of local farmers’ groups
  5. 9. the Southern Alliance wanted the government to build these so farmers could store their crops while waiting for prices to rise
  6. 10. democratic candidate in the Presidential Election of 1896 that backed the Free Silver Movement
  1. 2. cooperatives set up by the National Grange that were in place to help farmers and charged low prices
  2. 4. the Southern Alliance wanted the government to provide these so they didn't have to go through the banks
  3. 5. political party formed from the Farmers' Alliances also known as the People's Party of the USA
  4. 7. enterprise owned by and operated for the benefit of a certain group