- 3. Second Verbs of “ Pull”
- 7. The place of the story “The legend of Situ Bagendit”
- 10. Body parts to see
- 12. The colour of “Suci”
- 15. Generic structur of Narrative text
- 17. Text that purpose to entertain/amuse the reader
- 20. Tempat tidur in english
- 21. What the meaning of “Met”
- 23. What the meaning of “Wood”
- 25. What the title of story that you listened two last week
- 1. The setting area of the story “The Lion and Rabbit” Page 51
- 2. The kind of narrative text
- 4. What the meaning of “akhir”
- 5. What the meaning of “ Who’s there”
- 6. Second Verbs of “Datang”
- 8. Second Verbs of “Mengetuk”
- 9. Melihat in english
- 11. Mengatakan in english
- 13. pemburu in english
- 14. Sifat yang selalu dilambangkan dengan warna merah ini english
- 16. Gigi in english
- 18. Second Verbs of “Arrive”
- 19. First Verbs of “Ate”
- 22. Berpura-pura ini english
- 24. Suara ini english