chapter 2

  1. 2. crimes connected by wealth or powerful individual in corse of there perfession
  2. 6. the prosecution pf an accused person twice for the same offence
  3. 8. latin for " to stand by a dection"
  4. 10. crime during which no violence is perpetrated
  5. 11. the party bringing a lawsuit
  6. 13. the legal doctoine that says that if death occurs during thr commission od a felony the perputratir of the crime may be charged with first degree murder
  7. 14. crimes commited by members of illegal organizations
  8. 15. a serious offence with a possible sentince of more then a year in prison
  9. 17. the response to a charge in which the defendant amits to commiting the act
  10. 20. the test of legal insanity
  11. 23. latin for " guilty deed"
  12. 24. a lesser offence typically punishiable by a fine or up to one year in local jail
  13. 25. a type of goverment that divides power between a national governments and governments of smaller geographic territory
  14. 26. a generic term for all noncriminal law
  15. 27. the responce by the defendent to a criminal charge
  16. 28. the standerd used by jurors to arrive at verdicts
  1. 1. latin for " an eye for an eye"
  2. 3. violent crimes include homicide
  3. 4. a person agenst whom the criminal charge is pending
  4. 5. rules that set forth how substantive laws are to be enforced
  5. 7. the reason for commiting a crime
  6. 9. the body of law that defines criminal offences and perscribes punishemnets for there infractions
  7. 12. latin for "gulity mind"
  8. 16. the authority to make legal decision and judgment's often based on geographic area
  9. 18. the body of law that spells out the element of criminal acts
  10. 19. a purpousful act or state of mind to commit a crime
  11. 21. police tactices that unduly encourge or induce an individival to commit a crime he or she woundlt commit
  12. 22. the requirement that states must meet to introduce evidence