Chapter 2 Key Terms

  1. 3. Electric and magnetic fields that fluctuate rapidly as they travel through space
  2. 9. The conversion of a neutral atom to a charged entity by removing one or more electrons from the atom or by adding an electron to a neutral atom
  3. 10. A radiation quantity used for radiation protection purposes when a person receives exposure from various types of ionizing radiation
  4. 11. The amount of energy per unit mass transferred to atoms in biologic tissue by ionizing radiation is the basis of this concept
  5. 14. Results from nonnegligible exposure to ionizing radiation
  6. 15. A subunit of the gray in the SI
  7. 18. Quantity that is used for radiation protection purposes to provide a measure of the overall risk of exposure to humans from ionizing radiation
  8. 19. Naturally occurring process in which unstable nuclei relieve that instability by various types of spontaneous nuclear emissions, one of which is the emission of charged particles
  9. 20. Colorless, odorless, heavy radioactive gas that, along with its own decay products, is always present to some degree in the air
  10. 21. Radiation composed of interacting, varying electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space at the speed of light
  11. 22. Ionizing radiation from environmental sources, including radioactive materials in the earth, cosmic radiation from space, and radionuclides deposited in the human body via the food chain
  1. 1. The full range of frequencies and wavelengths of electromagnetic waves
  2. 2. Form of radiation that includes alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons and protons
  3. 4. A subunit of the sievert
  4. 5. Ionizing radiation created by humans for various uses
  5. 6. The amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object
  6. 7. Atoms that have the same number of protons within the nucleus but have different numbers of neutrons
  7. 8. An unstable nucleus that emits one or more forms of ionizing radiation to achieve stability
  8. 12. Caused by ejecting electrons from the atoms, composing the tissue
  9. 13. Isotopes of a particular element that are unstable because of their neutron-proton configuration
  10. 16. Energy that passes from one location to another
  11. 17. Destructive radiation interaction at the atomic level results in molecular change