Chapter 2 Key terms

  1. 4. uses facial expressions and physical gestures to transmit a message.
  2. 5. is conveying messages using established codes of conduct, known as etiquette.
  3. 10. the set of uniform and commonly accepted rules governing spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
  4. 11. is used to inform or instruct.
  5. 12. refers to speaking conversationally in informal instances.
  6. 13. the understanding of what words and phrases mean.
  7. 18. there are often pre-established channels of communication that help guide professionals on how, when, and where communication takes place.
  8. 19. means hearing but not necessarily listening.
  1. 1. having awareness for how sounds are organized and rules for how sounds relate to one another.
  2. 2. the smallest units of meaning that make up words when combined, such as the two morphemes “s” and “give” creating “gives.”
  3. 3. being fully engaged in the communication process, concentrating, and participating.
  4. 6. permit us to combine morphemes into sentences and understand how words and punctuation are organized within a sentence.
  5. 7. the gestures, movements, and mannerisms by which a person communicates with others.
  6. 8. uses graphic representations and signs to transmit a message through sight.
  7. 9. speech used to convey ideas and messages.
  8. 14. the rules of language use, including being able to appropriately speak in different contexts, such as conversational and formal.
  9. 15. is casual and conversational, and does not adhere to the same standards of conduct as formal language.
  10. 16. uses words to transmit a message through reading and writing.
  11. 17. uses spoken language to transmit a message through listening and speaking.