Chapter 2 Review

  1. 1. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Show students how to _____ related information.
  2. 2. Language emerges from cognitive development.Learning to think and problem solve. Where syntax is not enough and MEANING MATTERS.(*Think about the theoretical orientation list*)
  3. 4. Adult speech adapted for use when talking with young children.Also known as child-directed-speech.
  4. 7. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Provide _____ to improve processing.
  5. 9. Argument centers on whether some aspect of development occurs because of learning from the environment. (Constructionist/Empiricists)
  6. 11. Examine underlying reasons or social/communicative functions of language.(*Think about the theoretical orientation list*)
  7. 12. Stimulus -> Response -> Reinforcement or Punishment. Language is a learned behavior, influenced by environment.(*Think about the theoretical orientation list*)
  8. 14. An orderly, integrated set of statements that describe, explain, or predict behaviors.
  9. 15. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Bring to mind relevant prior _____.
  10. 17. Acknowledges that something is innate in the human brain that makes language possible, but that ‘something’ did not evolve for language and language alone.(*Think about the theoretical orientation list*)
  11. 20. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Provide _____ for students to elaborate on new information.
  12. 23. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Present information in an _____ manner.
  1. 1. Person who suggested that children have an innate ability to acquire language and that the human brain is exposed to speech at birth.
  2. 3. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Point out important _____.
  3. 5. The area in the brain for speech production, language processing, and language comprehension.
  4. 6. The approach where these assumptions are made to understand language: Language is biologically based, born with a species specific capacity for language realized with minimal assistance, learning alone cannot adequately alone account for acquisition, and impossible for children to gain linguistic knowledge from the environment.
  5. 8. The theory of language use.
  6. 10. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Gain student's _____.
  7. 13. The area in the brain for comprehension of speech.
  8. 16. Part of the information processing theory treatments/interventions. Fill in the blank. Provide for _____ of learning.
  9. 18. The theory of language structure.
  10. 19. The revolution where all speech practices should include communication, linguistic and culture. 1975 to present. (*Think about the 4 periods of change*)
  11. 21. Primary Motor strip definition.Fill in the blank. Voluntary movements of _____ muscles.
  12. 22. Argument centers on whether some aspect of development occurs because it is an inherent part of being human. (Generative/Nativist)