Chapter 20 and NA vocab R-Z

  1. 3. lacking awareness of what is happening
  2. 6. becoming restless or agitated in evening
  3. 7. top number in blood pressure
  4. 10. cerebrovascular accident
  5. 11. disease will eventually cause death
  6. 12. a protective covering N.A.s may not cut
  7. 13. turning a joint
  8. 14. unchanged
  9. 16. lacking strength or ability
  10. 17. helps maintain balance when walking
  1. 1. connective tissue hold muscle to bone
  2. 2. act of moving resident
  3. 4. position which person lays flat on back
  4. 5. an inability to fall asleep
  5. 8. vocabulary used in a profession
  6. 9. rapid heartbeat over 100 beats per minute
  7. 10. becoming larger as a result of excess fluid
  8. 15. measurement of heat in the body