chapter 21

  1. 4. chemical vapor that causes systemic and local effects
  2. 5. Pectoris- severe constricting pain in the chest often in the shoulders to the arm caused by ischemia
  3. 6. Dependence- state of adaptation exhibited by a withdrawal syndrome
  4. 7. effects- consequences of a drug
  5. 9. reflux - inflammation of the lower esophagus from regurgitation
  6. 11. drugs to promote excretion of urine
  7. 12. diffusion of fluid into a tissue
  8. 14. response to drug exposure resulting in decrease of one or more drug effects
  9. 17. condition of shock resulting from adverse reaction
  10. 18. agents depress neuronal function producing loss of ability to perceive
  11. 20. drugs blocking the passage of impulses through parasympathetic nerves
  12. 21. drugs taking into the living organism that may have one or more functions
  13. 22. abnormal fluid in the tissues of the body
  14. 24. reaction - response to drug that is not normative per action or side effects
  15. 30. cause expansion of Lumina of the air passages of the lungs
  16. 32. thickening of the wall of a blood vessel
  17. 34. substance tending to nullify action of another drug
  18. 36. the art of healing
  19. 37. drugs, natural that have pain relief activity
  20. 38. drugs that relive pain without causing loss of consciousness
  21. 39. bone disease leading to risk of fracture bone mineral density
  1. 1. Name- descriptive of chemical structure not by brand or trade name
  2. 2. chemical promoting evacuation of the bowel
  3. 3. not by the GI tract but through injection
  4. 6. disease- degenerative neurologic disease of the brain that impairs motor skills and speech
  5. 8. MELLITUS- disorder of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
  6. 10. study of the action of drugs with natural emphasis for absorption action etc.
  7. 13. constriction of the blood vessels from drugs
  8. 15. drug or some particular line of treatment improper
  9. 16. person licensed to prepare and dispense drugs
  10. 19. Disorders- conditions involving partial or complete obstruction of blood vessel
  11. 23. elevations of plasma liquid concentration
  12. 25. process of clot information
  13. 26. drugs causing dilatation of the blood vessels
  14. 27. waves propelling the contents of the GI tract
  15. 28. chronic mental disorders (hallucinations and paranoia)
  16. 29. study of drugs , the origin, nature and properties etc
  17. 31. collection of blood in the tissue results from breakage in the wall of blood vessel
  18. 33. subnormal concentration of erythrocytes or hemoglobin in the blood
  19. 35. peripheral neuropathy- disorder of the peripheral nervous system, a complication of diabetes