Chapter 21 - Developmental

  1. 1. loud sounds in the head
  2. 5. investing in teaching employees new skills & knowledge that might make them more likely to be sought by other firms
  3. 7. form of intelligence that involves mental processes like abstract planning
  4. 9. a pivotal difference in tasks between a novice and an expert
  5. 12. enables people to learn anything
  6. 14. another name for Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
  7. 16. a form of intelligence that is an accumulation of facts, info & knowledge as a result of education & experience
  8. 18. form of intellectual skills used in everyday problem solving
  9. 19. repeated switching from one task to another
  1. 1. a vitamin necessary to stave off Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
  2. 2. also known as "mad cow disease" (abbr.)
  3. 3. the first cross-sequential study of adult intelligence
  4. 4. psychological disorder characterized by hallucinations, nightmares, anxiety, & terror
  5. 6. ongoing disease & destruction of the brain caused by repeated traumas
  6. 8. form of intelligence that involves the capacity to be intellectually flexible
  7. 10. someone w/specialized skills & knowledge in a specific area of interest
  8. 11. developed by a leading theoretician, it was named for general intelligence
  9. 13. an approach used to examine the building blocks of intelligence, including those that produce experts
  10. 15. also means "measure"
  11. 17. ongoing injury to the brain caused by a temporary insult, like a blow to the head (abbr.)