Chapter 21 Vocabulary

  1. 4. unfenced lands
  2. 5. a ranch in Palo Duro Canyon
  3. 7. herding groups of cattle south of the Rio Grande
  4. 8. a type of wire fencing designed with sharp points
  5. 12. cow that appeared in Texas during the mid-1800s
  6. 13. this trail was created in 1874 and went from north of Kerrville to Fort Griffin
  7. 16. a traili that led from South Texas through Indian Territory
  8. 19. a farmer in Illinois who developed barbed wire
  9. 20. a ranch in South Texas that was one of the most important cattle operations in Texas
  1. 1. a cattlemen who looked beyond eastern markets who helped create the Goodnigh-Loving trail
  2. 2. horse handler that cared for the crew's horses
  3. 3. identification marks
  4. 6. a cattle disease that longhorns were resistant to
  5. 7. a cattle ranch on the open range that went from Texas to Canada
  6. 9. thieves
  7. 10. device where wind blows against the blades which creates power to operate a pump that brings underground water to the surface
  8. 11. some people would cut the fence to let their cattle have water and the owners fought back
  9. 14. this was the route to Abilene named after Jesse Chisholm
  10. 15. a ranch established in 1885 when the state gave land to the Capitol Freehold Land and Investment Company
  11. 17. the Spanish word for remount
  12. 18. huge holding pens