Chapter 2

  1. 2. Lord Mahavir attained ____ (liberation from the worldly existence) in 527 B.C.
  2. 4. The texts of Jain scriptures were not written systematically until after the ___ council that was held at Vallabhi 980 years after the nirvana of Lord Mahavir under the leadership of monk Devarthigani.
  3. 5. After Jambuswami ___ attained perfect knowledge and the knowledge declines slowly as time went on.
  4. 6. The monks from the South did not agree with this compilation, and the first ___ in Jainism started. Jains divided into 2 main groups: Sveptambaras and Digambaras.
  5. 8. The Agams were compiled into 12 separate parts, known as the ____ (twelve parts).
  6. 9. ___ attained perfect knowledge and perfect perception and became omniscient (Kevali) the very night of Lord Mahavir's nirvan.
  7. 11. The Jain pupils learned them by ___ them.
  8. 12. ____ monks wear white clothes.
  9. 17. Lord Mahavira's teaching were carried on by his ___ to us in the form of scriptures (Agams).
  10. 19. _____ monks do not wear any clothes at all.
  11. 20. ___ ganadharas attained liberation (salvation during the lifetime of Lord Mahavir, while another two Gautamswami and Sudharmaswami survived him.
  12. 21. Householders continue to lead ____ lives.
  13. 22. A followed of a Jina is called a ____ and the religion followed by Jains is called Jainism.
  1. 1. To accomplish compiling scriptures, the first council (conference) of monks was held in ____ about 160 years after Lord Mahavira's nirvana.
  2. 3. The Jain religion is not an offshoot of any other religion but it is an ____ religion recognized by these various names during different time periods.
  3. 6. The remaining ganadhar, ___ was the next to attain perfect knowledge and perfect perception and become omniscient.
  4. 7. It has been taught by Tirthankars are called ____.
  5. 10. Monk Bhadrabahu, who had the knowledge of all 12 major texts (_____), could not be present at the first council (conference) of monks.
  6. 13. The second council (conference) was held in ____, 825 years after the nirvana of Lord Mahavira, under the leadership of monk Skandil.
  7. 14. The Jain Order is known as the Jain congregation (____).
  8. 15. ____ the disciple of Sudharmaswami was the last omniscient of the present half time cycle.
  9. 16. The Jain religion is one of the ___ religions in the world. The Jain religion was also known as Sharman Dharma, Nirgranth Dharma, etc.
  10. 18. Monks and nuns are people who have voluntarily given up their household lives and worldly affairs and have accepted the 5 makor vows to uplift their ___ on the spiritual path.