Chapter 24

  1. 2. ethical reflection that emphasize an intimate personal relationship value system that incudes such virtues as sympathy
  2. 3. articulated statements of role morality as seen by the members of a profession
  3. 5. strict observance of promises or duties
  4. 6. regulations established by government and applicable to people within a certain political subdivision
  5. 7. justified claims that an individual can make on individual
  6. 10. publicly displayed ethics conduct of a profession
  7. 12. ethical principles that places high value on avoiding harm to others
  8. 14. belief system based on a set of moral principles that are embedded in common morality
  9. 20. general, universal guides to action that are derived from so-called basic moral truths that referred to as exists principles
  10. 21. belief that actions themselves, rather than consequences, determined the worth of actions
  11. 23. bodies of systematically related moral principles used to resolve ethical dilemmas
  12. 27. ideals and customs of a society towards which the members of a group have an affective regard
  13. 28. etiquette manners and attitudes generally accepted by members of a profession
  14. 31. internal controls of a profession based on human values
  15. 32. belief that health related information about individual patients should not be revealed
  16. 33. equitable, fair or just conduct in dealing with others
  17. 34. systematic study of rightness and wrongness of human conduct and character
  18. 35. obligations placed on individuals, groups, and instruments
  19. 36. relationship that exists when two mutually dependent groups
  20. 37. ethical theory that emphasizes the agents who perform actions and make choices character and virtue from the framework of this ethical theory
  1. 1. rights of individual or groups institsanul guarantees
  2. 3. belief that the worth of actions is determined by their ends or consequences.
  3. 4. rights of individuals or groups that are guaranteed by law
  4. 7. belief that individual rights provide the vital protection of life
  5. 8. statements of right conduct governing individual actions
  6. 9. gross violation of commonly held standards of decency or human rights
  7. 11. practice behaviors that are defined by members of a profession
  8. 13. care for; an emotional commitment to and a willingness to act on behalf of a person with whom a caring relationship. exits
  9. 15. duty to tell the truth and avoid deception
  10. 16. traits of character that are socially valued, such as courage
  11. 17. standards set by individuals or groups of individuals
  12. 18. use of moral principles as a basis
  13. 19. basis for rights-based ethical theory;
  14. 22. generally accepted customs, principles, or habits of rights living and conduct in a society
  15. 24. collection or set of values that an individual has
  16. 25. situations requiring moral judgement between two or more equally problem fraught alternatives
  17. 26. freedom of will
  18. 29. ARRT mandatory standards of minimally acceptable conduct
  19. 30. doing of good; active promotion of goodness