Chapter 24 Section 5

  1. 4. policy favoring open trade relations between China and other countries
  2. 5. peasant revolt in China
  3. 7. right to live under own laws and tried in own courts
  4. 8. Massive flooding, population explosion and _____ _____ by the rich led to the decline in Qing dynasty.
  5. 9. payment for losses in a war
  6. 11. Early 1900s they introduced a constitutional ______ .
  7. 13. Chinese rulers placed strict limits on foreign ______ .
  8. 14. _____ uprising was the anti-foreign movement in China
  9. 15. when a when a country imports more than they export
  10. 17. Chinese addiction caused a disruption in the economy, leading to the _____ _____ .
  11. 18. Third principle of the people was _______ security for all Chinese.
  12. 20. first principle of the people to free China from foreign domination
  13. 21. Anger grew towards missionaries who threatened traditional Chinese _______ .
  14. 22. emperor who modernized the civil service exams, streamlined government and encouraged new industries
  1. 1. second principle of the people for representative government
  2. 2. passionate spokesman for Chinese republic
  3. 3. war between China and Japan where Japan gained Taiwan
  4. 6. Japan joined Western imperialists in competition for a global ______ .
  5. 7. Mining, shipping, railroads, banking and exports of cash crops were signs of _______ expansion.
  6. 10. when a country exports more than they import
  7. 12. island Britain gained with the treaty of Nanjing
  8. 16. the difference between how much a country imports and how much it exports
  9. 19. The British traded ______ grown in India for Chinese tea.